Does City Money Buy Urban League Support for the Chief?

Does City Money Buy Urban League Support for the Chief?

posted by on June 26 at 11:11 AM

This weekend, I wondered out loud on Slog why James Kelly of Seattle’s Urban League had a double standard when it came to SPD Chief Gil Kerlikowske. That is: Kelly wanted to reserve judgment on Kerlikowske until the investigation into Kerlikowske was complete. That’s rich, given that the investigation into Kerlikowske involves questions about why Kerlikowske exonerated a pair of suspect officers before that investigation was complete.

Well, there may be an explanation why the Urban League is getting Kerlkiowske’s back: The city is a big financial supporter of the Urban League.

Urban League President Kelly has not returned my call yet.

From the Stranger Slog

Urban League Seattle Defends Police Chief


SEATTLE - Two powerful civil rights groups are taking sides in the controversy surrounding Seattle Police Chief Gil Kerlikowske and his handling of an internal investigation.

The Seattle chapter of the NAACP on Friday called on the Kerlikowske to step down, while the Urban League is supporting the Chief.

James Bible, president of the NAACP, said the police chief took unusual steps in trying to influence what should have been an independent review of a controversial drug bust.

Last January, two Seattle police officers arrested a drug suspect in Belltown; that arrest was caught on tape. The suspect said he was roughed up and the cops planted drugs on him. The officers were reprimanded because their written report didn't match the video taken of the arrest, and the prosecution dropped charges against the man.

Then, the citizen oversight board released a draft report this week accusing the chief of interfering with the internal investigation into the two police officers and taking "extraordinary" measures to get a witness statement.

The NAACP says the chief should not have intervened to affect the probe. The local NAACP chapter has raised questions about one of the two Seattle police officers in years past. Last month, the local branch of the NAACP called for the chief's resignation.

"If we have a chief that will seek to hide information for his own personal gain or interest, then that chief needs to step away that chief needs to find another town," Bible said Friday.

The NAACP said Mayor Greg Nickels also needs to be held accountable for the outcome of the investigation.

The Urban League is standing by Kerlikowske.

"I will be damned to allow any draft report, any incomplete investigation, to ruin the five year relationship we have tried to establish on behalf of African-Americans and the police department," said James Kelly of the Urban League.

From King 5 News